Grapat Happy Xmas 2023
H E L L O D E A R G R O W N U P S,
2023 was all about reclaiming the cities. The big grey concrete castles with lots of dirt and traffic and over-stimulations. But when looking closer, those environments that seem to be made for adults only, are in fact a treasure chest full of options and little things to explore. Childhood does not stop flowering when confronted with manmade surroundings. Children will embrace those opportunities instead. They will explore, play, learn, try, fail, take risks, find treasures and beauty, live and be happy. If we embrace the cities too by giving the kids the freedom to explore, they will turn into happy places. Having this in our minds, of course the cities will not stop being happy places during advent. In fact, it's the opposite. Take a slow walk when it's slowly getting darker and spot all the lights in the windows. Count the stars that people did decorate their windows with. Go window-shopping together in all those festive decorated shops. Collect tiny branches of the Xmas trees that people lost when carrying them into their homes. You will also find lots of little glittering stars when you have a closer look under your feet. Did you already start decorating your own window? Maybe you even want to put a bit of Xmas feeling all over your neighbourhood?
With our second year of the Grapat advent calendar, we put together a collection of little things to make (and bake and draw and feel and taste...) to turn your flat, your house and your neighbourhood into a happy (advent) place. This year we even teamed up with a whole bunch of crazy talented ladies (and moms) that shared their advent traditions with us to make it extra special. And besides our advent calendar we prepared two more treats: some happy eggs in preparation for spring (in case the winter seems too long and cold) and a second edition of our lucky lucky set. We know you love surprises as much as we do. So to make this time an extra magical one, you can find 15 more play sets hidden in cute boxes. We hope you will our new products as much as we enjoyed making them for you.
A N D D E A R C H I L D R E N ,
like we already asked you last year: climb the tables, question the rules, start a Xmas revolution and make this world your happy place. Tell the big ones to listen. Sing your songs loud, don't let anyone tell you to be quiet. Make a garland out of the beer caps you found the other day. They will not only reflect the light but also make the most beautiful sounds when banging together. Insist on a sit-down-strike in case the world seems to loud and busy. Take your time to explore, to listen, to talk and to play. Advent is the time of happiness and togetherness, not the time of rushing by. Cut out paper stars and dress up in your warmest clothes to sell those paper stars to strangers, spend the money for all the sweets and share them with your friends. Be you and be free and celebrate your uniqueness. You are the governer of your happy place. You make the rules. Of course there is democrazy and compromises are to be found, but your voice counts! Happy Xmas to all of you tiny explorers, little adventurers and brave revolutionaries!