Pretend Play Week
Enjoy our special offer of up to 10% off from Pretend Play Week collection (featured Olli Ella, Senger, PlayToys and Erzi). Take this chance to stock up, add or revamp the pretend play party at your home!
Aug 12th - exclusive for parents who join our Pretend Play Party at Bubspot
Aug 13th to 19th - for all online purchases
One of our personal favourite kind of play, pretend play, is here! This week we will dive deeper into the details you need to set your own pretend play at home with your little ones:
- What is pretend play?
- Benefits of pretend play?
- How to encourage pretend play?
- Ideas of pretend play
- Tools for pretend play
We look forward to seeing your child's dramatic play and the key is to always let the play be led by our children.